the spanish international friendship day - ogilvy argentina - a huge coca-cola vending machine. consumers have to be 2 to be able to afford their coke. haha.. very exciting!
which governments ask for the most data about their users and the most deletions from google's database? good and mgmt. design show us through infographics.
U.S. twitter users’ average moods at noon and 11 pm (after 3 years/300 million tweets) most of them are happier at night than at midday and the west coast is more positive than the east.
cool packaging and design for "good milk". makes me more more fall in love with milk.. can i buy it in here? read: jakarta, indonesia.
to engage its consumers, diesel has created an interactive campaign inviting people to share their more stupid photos. then photos were projected in the street. hahaha so funny! i like it.. xD
DJ cheeba performs an exclusive live mix using beck’s vier beer and for the lighting effects across a grid of 600 LED-lit beck’s bottles, amazing! see the video below..
artic candy, makes sugar free hard candy with classic norwegian flavors (cloudberries, lingonberries, blueberries and crowberries) beautiful packing! i love fruit candy.. nyuum.